Superheros in Disguise- Celebrating CNA Week

Superheros in Disguise- Celebrating CNA Week

June 15th – 22nd marks the 40th annual National Nursing Assistants’ Week. Celebrated each year, National Nursing Assistants’ Week gives us the opportunity to acknowledge the nursing assistants (also referred to as CNA’s, companions, noncertified aides, caregivers) who work hard maintaining the well-being of others.

Nursing Assistants play a key role in the healthcare field because they are often the primary caregivers and typically interact closely with patients over extended periods of time. Because of this, Nursing Assistants tend to develop close relationships with patients, which allows for us to provide more meaningful home care to our patients.

We at AssistedCare welcome you to join us in recognizing Nursing Assistants for their diligent work and dedication to our clients. Throughout the week, we are celebrating our very own Nursing Assistants with appreciation events intended to raise awareness among our clients, staff, leadership and the general public about Nursing Assistants’ essential role in maintaining our health and well-being. This week encourages us to remember those who have helped us to recover from illness or injury, or perhaps cared for a loved-one.

A very heart-filled thank you to all of our Nursing Assistants here at AssistedCare. We are grateful for your genuine care and commitment to the well-being of our patients.

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